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Enjoying Fish Ponds Starts With Filtration

It’s the heart of any pond, have it installed, or install it right yourself… The first time!


Most water gardeners are aware of the importance good quality water plays in a pond habitat. Not knowing how to get or keep water quality can prove challenging to some pond owners.

Pond filtration is one of the most important components in maintaining a healthy and balanced ecosystem. Quality filtration equipment is necessary to maintain optimum water quality. Aquascape offers a wide selection of premium pond filtration products to suit any budget or water garden.



An ecosystem pond is a water garden that functions together with its surrounding environment.

While an ecosystem type pond is based on an all natural filtration system there are many types of ponds that require different types of filtration systems. Bead filters, box filters, and UV Lights are also some popular items that are thrown into the mix of conversations about proper pond filtration conversations. Everyone has their own opinions on what works best. Do your research at your local pond store to find out what will work best for you.

Other Pond Filtration Options For Frustrating Problemed Ponds

Waterfall Filtration

Navigating the world of pond and water garden filtration products on the market today can be a daunting task. Manufactures are creating filter units that also serve as waterfall source points for your pond or water gardens. Waterfall filters can be added to almost any existing pond. And come as standard equipment in most pond kits sold.

Aquatic Bog Filtration

Some say the hands down best way to filter your ponds naturally. Aquatic plants are nature’s way of filtering water in different ways. There are many ways to add aquatic plants for filtration, most of these methods can be installed in conjunction with your existing filtration with ease. Ask your local pond store about the best way that fits your pond.

Bead Filtration

Bead filtration looks a lot like a pool filter setup, and works just like it. Usually working in tandem with either an external pump, or skimmer box plumbed to flow through the bead filter setup. If you’re a koi enthusiast with a “Traditional” style koi pond IE; no rocks and gravel in your pond, this might be the best filter setup for your pond.

UV Light Filtration

UV lights are a common addition to all types of ponds that have developed algae issues. Basically there are four main components of the ultraviolet sterilizer: a germicidal lamp, a quartz sleeve to protect the lamp from the water, a ballast to provide the correct electrical requirements for the lamp, and the housing which holds all of the other parts and the water flows through it.

Filtration Add-On's

Stop in your local pond store and inquire about adding on to your existing filtration pond or water gardens. There are many products on the market that allow you to increase the filtration that fit just about all budgets. From the simplest in adding additional filter mats/media, aquatic marginal plantings, to full installations of aquatic bog filters. Ask the professionals for help.

Surface Debris Skimmers

Surface debris skimmers keep the debris that falls into your pond flowing into a skimmer basket(A lot like pool skimmers) to be emptied occasionally. Skimmers usually house a wide range of submersible water feature pumps, but can be plumed with bulkheads to external pumps to help keep the debris off the bottom of your pond. Stop in your local pond store to learn more.


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